G.A.F.E explanation.
W.A.L.T: use G.A.F.E to assist me to comment safely and positively on blog posts.
The first thing we do to start off a comment is to greet/Introduce yourself like what school you come from, what grade you're in and don’t forget to say Hi/Hello or Kia Ora at the start of a comment.
Next, we write something imposing and positive like “I really enjoyed reading your work” or “I liked this presentation”.
Thirdly, we write something supportive and encouraging that could help them to improve more in their work. For example you say “remember to add your punctuation” and just reminding them to do a buddy check with their mate or teacher before posting their work.
Lastly, we end the comment by saying “Kia Ora”, “Thank you”, “I appreciate reading your work” or “this was an incredible piece of work you put together”.
Example Comment:
Kia Ora my name is….. I am a year….. And I go to….. School. I really enjoyed reading your work I thought that you put a really great piece of work together. I just want to remind you to remember to use capital letters after a full stop. I appreciate the helpful work you have provided me and I can't wait to hear more about your next piece of work. Kia Ora From…..
Remember to always comment safely and positively.