What are two types of weeds?
- Carrot weed
- Dandelion
What is the botanical name for Puha and prickly Puha?
- Sonchus Family
The Māori name for Dandelion is:
(Tangi hanga)
Google Meaning: The Tangihanga is the enduring of Māori ceremony for mourning someone who has died. It is commonly called a tangi, which also means to weep, and to sing a dirge (a lament for the dead).
My Understanding: My understanding of Tangi hanga is to mourn or cry for the death of a loved one.
Google Meaning: Mourning ceremony at another marae subsequent to the tangihanga and burial - relatives of the deceased, especially someone of importance, visit as a group the marae of communities. The kawemate is often at the community's request.
My Understanding: My Understanding of kawemate is the non- burial part of the tangi.
Moemoe… betrothal ceremony
To bring a photo of Whaea Dawnette to the school.
On a Saturday night 19/8/2017, and the whole school went to the Marae on Monday 21/8/2017.
Monday 4/9/2017 at 8.30am.
I felt sad.
I felt sad as well, but it was my first time at a Kawe mate so I didn’t really know what it meant.1
In Awarua laying at Te Huruhi Marae.
In the Tautoro School library.
The difference was that when you're at the Marae we get welcomed in which is the calling of the people/Manuhiri.
And when Whaea Dawnettes family came to our school they got welcomed into the school and they also say a different karanga.