Monday, 6 November 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
Kei Te Aha? Translated.
Kei Te Aha?
What Are You Doing?
Nā Hone Apanui ngā kōrero nā Jennifer Lautusi ngā pikitia
Illustrated by Hone Apanui & Jennifer Leaks
“Kei te aha koe, kākā?”
"What are you doing?"
“Kei te mahara noa iho ahau.”
"I'm just thinking."
“Kei te aha kōrua, kererū mā?”
"What are you doing, white pigeon?"
“Kei te kai āporo māua.”
“We are eating apple’s.”
“Kei te aha koutou, pūkeko mā?”
"What are you doing?"
“Kei te huti pātītī mātou.”
“We are eating grass.”
“Kei te aha koe, tūī?”
"What are you doing, do?"
“Kei te aha waiata ahau.”
“I am singing.”
“Kei te aha kōrua, pāpango mā?”
"What are you doing?"
“Kei te kaukau māua.”
“We are swimming.”
“Kei te aha koutou, weka mā?”
"What are you doing, weka?"
“Kei te kimi taonga mātou!”
"We are looking for treasures!"
“Kei te aha koe kōtuku?”
"What are you doing?"
“Kei te rere ahau.”
“I’m flying.”
“Kei te aha kōrua, pūtangitangi mā?”
“What are doing Paradise shelduck?”
“Kei te kōrero māua.”
“We are talking.”
“Kei te aha koutou, pateke mā?”
"What are you doing?"
“Kei te ruirui parirau mātou.”
"We're spreading wings."
“Kei te aha koe, kea?”
"What are you doing?"
“E hika, kei te unu waireka hoki!”
“I am drinking.”
“Kei te aha koe?”
"What are you doing?"
Kei te aha kōrua?”
“What are you’s doing.”
“Kei te aha koutou?”
“What is everyone doing.”
WALT: persuade an audience about Should We Have A Gala Day Every Year.
Persuasive writing
Should We Have A Gala Day Every Year?
Firstly, I think we should have a gala every year because it’s fun and exciting. If we didn’t have a gala day each year we won’t be able to fundraise to go on trip and camps. Even though it cost heaps to get all the ingredients and other things it’s still worth fundraising for.
Secondly, I believe that if we have a gala day each year I reckon we would make a lot of money and fundraise to go on trips and camps.
Thirdly, I think we should have a gala day every year because we get to have yummy foods and have fun activities, you also get to spend time with your family and friends.
Lastly, having a gala day every year I think is fun, it teaches us how to fundraise for trip and camps and can also help us get ready to prepare a job in the future. Gala days are exciting and entertaining.
WALT: convince Nicholas that Family is more important than Money.
WALT: convince Nicholas that Family is more important than Money.
Family is more important than Money.
Dear Nicholas, i’ve heard that you have created a machine that turns your memories into gold so I am writing this letter to you because I think that family is more important than money.
Firstly, I believe that family is more important than money because family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments in life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and families are also important because they are the first form of a child's first relationship.
Having lots of gold may make you feel secure and live a comfortable lifestyle can unquestionably contribute to your overall sense of well-being, but it can't compare to having a close connection with the people you love the most. If you don't pay enough attention to your family it can lower your quality of life, but if you pay too much attention to your machine that turns you memories into gold it can really damage your relationship with your family because you lose out on time and connections with them.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
This is what we learnt during our Peru project.
What are two types of weeds?
- Carrot weed
- Dandelion
What is the botanical name for Puha and prickly Puha?
- Sonchus Family
The Māori name for Dandelion is:
Monday, 25 September 2017
This is a paragraph of a story we read. We had to translate the paragraph that was Maori into English.
Te Tino Potae o Papa
Page 10:
Ka kōrero a Mere,” Titiro atu, e Mā. Kei te whakaatu
Ngā tamariki i ō rātou kākahu ināianei.”
Ka kī a Māmā, “ Te pai hoki o ngā kākahu. Arā, titiro!
He kau miraka tērā, he mango tērā. Mīharo ana te
Kite atu.”
Translated in English:
Mere says, "Look, sir. It is displayed
Children are dressed in their clothes right now. "
Mom said, "It's nice to dress too. Well, look!
It's milk, that's the same mango. It's amazing
See it. "
Children are dressed in their clothes right now. "
Mom said, "It's nice to dress too. Well, look!
It's milk, that's the same mango. It's amazing
See it. "
Sunday, 3 September 2017
By Keila
(Tangi hanga)
Google Meaning: The Tangihanga is the enduring of Māori ceremony for mourning someone who has died. It is commonly called a tangi, which also means to weep, and to sing a dirge (a lament for the dead).
My Understanding: My understanding of Tangi hanga is to mourn or cry for the death of a loved one.
Google Meaning: Mourning ceremony at another marae subsequent to the tangihanga and burial - relatives of the deceased, especially someone of importance, visit as a group the marae of communities. The kawemate is often at the community's request.
My Understanding: My Understanding of kawemate is the non- burial part of the tangi.
Moemoe… betrothal ceremony
To bring a photo of Whaea Dawnette to the school.
On a Saturday night 19/8/2017, and the whole school went to the Marae on Monday 21/8/2017.
Monday 4/9/2017 at 8.30am.
I felt sad.
I felt sad as well, but it was my first time at a Kawe mate so I didn’t really know what it meant.1
In Awarua laying at Te Huruhi Marae.
In the Tautoro School library.
The difference was that when you're at the Marae we get welcomed in which is the calling of the people/Manuhiri.
And when Whaea Dawnettes family came to our school they got welcomed into the school and they also say a different karanga.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
This is my letter to Matua Sam about Whaea Dawnette.
Dear Matua Sam,
I am so sad to hear about your loss of Whaea Dawnette.
I knew that she was ill and just returned out of hospital, but I didn’t realize she had so little time left.
Whaea Dawnette was such a fantastic Admin and I am going to miss her sitting in the office.
Whaea Dawnette was uplifting, kind and loving to everyone around her.
It is really heartbreaking not getting to see her everyday now.
Everytime I walk into the office I always picture her sitting in the office.
Keila Emile.
Hurry up Tim
By: Eleanor Hughes
W.A.L.T: find the seven elements that make up this narrative story.
Story Example:
The place and the time the story took place.
At school, cross country track.
The main actors in the story. Hero, Villain.
Tim, Mrs Benson, classmates.
The plot, Logical order.
Tim didn’t want to run and he tried to get out of it by going to the toilet and pretended to have a fake asthma attack.
The Historical Background of the main characters.
Tim doesn't like running.
A problem faced by the characters.
The problem was that Tim got a very bad stitch.
The Climax of the story is when the conflict is resolved.
A change of the main character.
Tim decided to cheat and cut the cross country track track.
And he makes it into school coming in third place.
The resolution is the end of the story.
In the end Tim made it to the cross country into schools to represent his school, but he did not want to because he doesn't like running.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
This is a speech format for Tangi.
Tena Koutou i o tatou tini mate
Greetings to our many dead
Haere, haere, haere.
Farewell, farewell, farewell
Tena Koutou i o koutou tini mate
Greetings to your many dead
No reira, haere e nga mate
Therefore, farewell the dead
Haere ki te wa kainga
Go to the home of all time
Haere ki te kainga tuturu
Go to the true home
O to tatou Matua i te rangi
Of our Creator
Haere, haere, haere.
Farewell, farewell, farewell.
Mauria mai i o koutou tini mate
Carry your many dead
Hoki atu ki te Kaihanga
Return to the Creator
Ki te karanga o Hinenuiitepo
To the call of Hinenuiitepo
Ki te po nui
To the large night
Ki te po roa
To the long night
Ki te po kahore he otinga
To the night without end
Ko te tatau o te po i mua i a koe
The doorway of the night is before you
Hoki atu ki te kaitiaki o te po
Return to the guardian of the night
No reira, haere, haere, haere.
Therefore, farewell, farewell, farewell.
Tena koutou i o tatou tini mate
Greetings to our many dead
Koutou kua wheturangitia
You who have been adorned as stars
Ki te korowai o Ranginui
In the heavens
Koutou kua wehe atu ki te po
You who have departed to the night
Ki te tua o Te Arai
To beyond Te Arai
Ki te okiokinga
To the resting place
I o tatou tupuna
Of our ancestors
Haere, haere, haere.
Farewell, farewell, farewell.
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